Our SQA accredited music and sound production course, run in partnership with New College Lanarkshire - funded by The Scottish Government, Glasgow City Council and The Stafford Trust. Open to all adults living in North Glasgow. This free weekly course offers professional music tuition and mentoring, to enhance employability, creativity, mental health, community culture and personal/professional development.

Funded by The Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council, this project aims to empower the community of Sighthill to be fully involved in their communities design, development and decisions. We facilitate weekly creative workshops and seasonal community events in partnership with community members and other key stakeholders - enhancing community cohesion and culture, through the creative arts.

Funded by The Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council, we facilitate seasonal community events in Springburn and Sighthill, aimed at enhancing community cohesion and creativity. An innovative way of bringing the community together and tapping into the creative side of our nature.

OuOne of our most popular programmes is our weekly Recovery Rhythms workshops, for men and women in recovery from addiction and mental health challenges. Nothing puts a smile on your face quite like dance! Funded by The Corra Foundation, we bring recovery principles alive, through the art of dance.
Every Tuesday we provide free sensory play for babies & toddlers, as well as free art, music and DJ tuition to primary school aged children. We believe that all children should have equal access to opportunities that enahnce their healt, wellbeing and creativity. Funded by The Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council.

Breakfast Club
Every Monday we offer a FREE Breakfast Club for adults 40+
Funded by The National Lottery Community Fund, this allows us to provide nutritious food to start your day, as well as some connection and activities.
All 40+ welcome.

In partnership with Springburn Auditorium CIC, we deliver free monthly community cinema experiences for local families. This fantastic event space was built by Springburn Auditorium CIC, from up-cycled pianos. It truly is a magical space, and we are delighted to be working with them to ensure local people can enjoy it.