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New Rhythms for Glasgow is the wee charity, with the big heart. We are based in Sighthill, Glasgow and currently deliver supports and services to the wider North Glasgow area, particularly Springburn, Sighthill and Maryhill. We believe that the creative arts has the capacity to completely transform people's lives and so it is our aim to make access to the arts as inclusive as possible, regardless of personal, social or economic characteristics.
We are a community-led organisation, who has been delivering creative industry services in North Glasgow for over 20 years. We work in partnership with many other fantastic organisations, who share our passion for individual and community wellbeing.
We work with children, young people, adults living with physical and learning disabilities, adults living with severe and enduring mental health problems, asylum seekers, refugees and adults in recovery from addiction.
We are an Arts Award Scotland centre - offering full accreditation for children, young people and adults who wish to engage in the creative arts. This is a flexible, fun and easy way to gain accreditation in the arts - your learning, in your time!


NRFG saved my life. I was in a bad way and they helped me get to where I am today - Derek Watt, Co-Founder of The Recovery Collective
NRFG is a crucial and necessary third sector delivery partner to the Council and other local bodies - Councillor Graham Campbell
I cannot thank New Rhythms for Glasgow enough for what you did for my son. I have never seen him so animated before because of his Autism.
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